Jack Sparrow in Balii

All these years, I have heard stories about the abundance of Java sparrow (Lonchura oryzivora) in the rice fields of Java and Bali islands during harvest and post-harvest times in the past. I heard it from my own parents, villagers, educators, NGO staffs, and of course from many farmers who are generally already over 50 years old now. But I’ve never seen or witnessing it myself, until 31st August 2021.

Many say that the flocks began to disappear from their sight in the rice fields around the 1990s. According to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), this bird has been included in the Red List of Threatened Species. The status for Java sparrow is Endangered (EN). Only two level before extinct. In 2018 data mentioned on the IUCN website, their number in the wild only ranges from 1000-2499 individuals.

Many say that the flocks began to disappear from their sight in the rice fields around the 1990s. According to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), this bird has been included in the Red List of Threatened Species. The status for Java sparrow is Endangered (EN). Only two level before extinct. In 2018 data mentioned on the IUCN website, their number in the wild only ranges from 1000-2499 individuals.

This bird was originally endemic to the islands of Java and Bali only. But due to widely captured and brought out of the islands of Java and Bali by humans, it is known to be seen in the wild on the islands of Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Ternate, and also the island of Hawaii in America. In most areas only found in a few individuals, but in Hawaii the number could reach up to hundreds. There are several youtube channels to see it in Hawaii.

So, how about in its original home town of Java and Bali?

To simplify the answer for that question I must say, it already not common anymore.  Since if we go to most paddy fields in java and bali, it is hard to find java sparrow there. Not like the old farmers experience many years ago.

Until this 30 august 2021, I went to paddy field areas near a very famous temple in Bali and firstly found  2 individuals of java sparrow on the ground. They were juveniles. Indicated by, their pale beaks color and no strong black color on their head. Wing and their body color also looked pale. They were eating grass seed. Then fly to perch on banana leaves nearby the trail.

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